

About EP Group Ltd – Building & Property Consultants

EP Group Ltd is a Building and Property Consultants that pride themselves on providing a fast, effective and efficient service that is both thorough and cost-effective.

We specialize in building assessments, pre-purchase & pre-sale inspections, weather tightness reports, house relocation reports, third party reports, issues surrounding the New Zealand Building Code and on-site compliance monitoring for the building industry.

Extensive Building Legislation Knowledge and Experience

We have extensive backgrounds in the application of the legislation and necessary building requirements. We are experienced with the Building Act and Building Code requirements for residential dwellings and have experience with NZS3604. David Hughes is a certified Weathertightness Surveyor.

EP Group Ltd Building Consultants have experience working with large organisations such as:

  • Fulton Hogan
  • Downer EDI Works
  • HEB Construction
  • Plus body corporations and homeowners.

Approved provider of Safe and Sanitary / Third Party building reports.

Experienced Surveyors

Our surveyors have immense experience liaising and working with contractors, architects, designers, home owners, Body Corporations, Council and Government bodies. They also have experience in supervision of contractors